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ForeSee Report Shows High Public Satisfaction With Digital Govt; Dave Lewan Comments

1 min read

digital governmentForeSee has issued a new report that shows public satisfaction with the government’s digital services has reached a level higher than or comparable to private sector customer satisfaction.

The 50th E-Government Satisfaction Index used ratings from approximately 185,000 respondents of 101 federal websites based on a 100-point scale of user experience and satisfaction, ForeSee said Wednesday.

The report reveals that the Social Security Administration gained the highest scores of 90 and 89 in terms of public sector sites, higher than the top-scoring private-sector company Amazon.com at 86.

Additionally, 36 percent of e-government websites gained scores above 80 and overall citizen satisfaction is 75.1.

“Our data shows that as people experience positive interactions with e-government, satisfaction with and trust in government increases,” said Dave Lewan, report author and a vice president at ForeSee.

“Our index gives the public sector a systematic approach to measure and improve the citizen experience over time, across channels, and to compare performance with the best industry standards,” Lewan added.

The report cited navigation and search features as top priorities for improvement.