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White House Unveils 10 Members of Natl Cybersecurity Commission

2 mins read

cybersecurityPresident Barack Obama has appointed 10 executives with public, private and academic sector backgrounds to serve as members of a commission tasked to identify ways for the U.S. to build up its cybersecurity posture, the White House said Wednesday.

The Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity is one component of an executive order Obama issued in February that called for $19 billion in cyber funds and the appointment of a federal chief information security officer, among other action items.

“These dedicated individuals bring a wealth of experience and talent to this important role, and I look forward to receiving the commission’s recommendations,” Obama said.

Former White House National Security Adviser Tom Donilon and retired IBM CEO Sam Palmisano will serve as chairman and deputy chairman, respectively, following their appointments in February.

Kiersten Todt of Liberty Group Ventures was also named Commerce Department Secretary Penny Pritzker as the commission’s executive director in March.

The commission members are:

  • Keith Alexander, former head of the National Security Agency and Cyber Command
  • Annie Anton, professor and chair of the Georgia Institute of Technology School of Interactive Computing
  • Ajay Banga, president and CEO of MasterCard
  • Steve Chabinsky, former deputy assistant director of the FBI’s cyber division and chief of the cyber intelligence section
  • Patrick Gallagher, former director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • Peter Lee, corporate vice president of research at Microsoft
  • Herbert Lin,  senior research scholar for cyber policy and security at the Center for International Security and Cooperation
  • Heather Murren, Johns Hopkins University board of trustees member
  • Joe Sullivan, chief security officer at Uber
  • Maggie Wilderotter, a former worldwide public sector lead at Microsoft