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Dell’s Steve Harris: FITARA Implementation Depends on Agency CIOs, IT Revolving Fund Approval

1 min read

Steve Harris
Steve Harris

Dell’s Steve Harris has said government agencies’ progress in the implementation of the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act depends on the approval of a White House bill that would establish a $3.1 billion revolving fund for IT system updates, FierceGovernmentIT reported Wednesday.

Harris, vice president and general manager of Dell’s federal systems business, told reporter Eli Richman in an interview that the approval of the proposed bill could help agencies achieve progress in FITARA’s IT portfolio review savings category as well as reduce legacy system maintenance costs.

The IT portfolio review savings category in FITARA aims to evaluate agencies’ efforts to consolidate, classify and update their IT platforms, according to the report.

He also called on Congress to provide agency chief information officers authority over their agencies’ budgets in order to facilitate updates to government IT systems.

“The CIOs are the ones who are responsible for creating cost optimal, highly available, scalable, very secure environments that would support multiple silos of mission capabilities,” said Harris, an inductee into Executive Mosaic’s Wash100 for 2016.