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Reps. Will Hurd, Robin Kelly Ask GAO to Study VA’s Efforts to Update EHR System

1 min read

electronic-health-record-EHRReps. Will Hurd (R-Texas) and Robin Kelly (D-Illinois) have requested the Government Accountability Office to conduct a study on the efforts of the Department of Veterans Affairs to update its electronic health record system.

In a letter published May 27, the lawmakers asked GAO Comptroller General Gene Dodaro to provide the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s information technology subcommittee with data on the results and costs of the projects that VA launched to update or replace the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture.

Hurd and Kelly told Dodaro to also provide information on contractors and their roles in the projects that aim to update VistA.

GAO’s study should also identify VA’s plans and estimated budget to carry out updates to the VistA system, according to the letter.