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Marine Corps Embraces Smaller Surveillance Sensor; John Covington Comments

1 min read

The Marine CorpsThe U.S. Marine Corps has adopted a smaller measurement and signature intelligence sensor to conduct remote surveillance operations and deployed the platform six months ahead of schedule.

Marines will use the Magnetic Intrusion Detector II to detect and identify vehicles and rifle-sized objects that move within its electromagnetic fields, USMC said Tuesday.

“MAGID provides not only target detection and direction information, but also magnetic disturbance readout, indicating the size of the target,” said John Covington, project officer for the Tactical Remote Sensor System in the Marine Intelligence program office.

“The new MAGID II is multi-directional, meaning the magnetic changes can be detected no matter where the device is pointed,” Covington added.

MAGID II operates with other devices built to detect seismic, acoustic and infrared activity as part of continuous surveillance missions in key areas.