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OPM Sets Timeline for Federal Cybersecurity Workforce Assessment Act Implementation

1 min read

cyberThe Office of Personnel Management has established a time frame for the implementation of federal law that requires agencies to identify personnel information technology and cyber-related functions across the government.

Mark Reinhold, associate director of employee services at OPM, said in a memo dated Aug. 1 that agencies must determine the percentage of IT and cyber personnel who hold industry-recognized certifications as well as develop a strategy to  mitigate staff training gaps by December.

He said OPM will collaborate with the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education to perform security data standard coding structure revisions in the Enterprise Human Resources Integration system in an effort to align EHRI codes with the NICE Workforce Framework.

OPM want agencies to start adoption of the revised codes in October and complete revised coding for civilian IT and cyber positions and vacancies by December next year, Reinhold added.

He noted that agencies must submit annual reports on IT and cyber-related civilian “roles of critical need” to OPM from December 2018 through 2022.