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Adm. Michael Rogers: ‘Arbitrary Lines’ Between Private, Public Property Hamper Govt-Industry Collaboration Against Cyber Attacks

1 min read

Michael Rogers
Michael Rogers

Navy Adm. Michael Rogers, director of the National Security Agency, has said the “arbitrary lines” between public and private property have resulted in “uneven” cooperation between the private sector and government in the campaign against cyber attacks, the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.

Rogers told attendees at The Wall Street Journal CEO Council that approximately two-thirds of cyber hackers are criminal groups that seek financial gain through data theft while the rest are state-sponsored network threat actors, the Journal’s Alan Cullison wrote.

“My point is that cyber does not recognize these arbitrary lines that we have drawn — it doesn’t recognize the geography,” Rogers said.

“Network structures in the world wide web [are] not organized that way. Our adversaries don’t work that way,” he added.

Rogers, who is also chief of the Cyber Command, called on company executives to get involved in cybersecurity and urged U.S. firms to provide the government access to their networks in order to defend data infrastructure from cyber threats, the report said.