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DoD Launches First Wi-Fi Network at the Pentagon; Brian Dravis Comments

1 min read

wifiThe Defense Department has implemented a Wi-Fi network at the Pentagon as a result of efforts to consolidate DoD’s information technology services under a Defense Information Systems Agency-controlled shared services organization, Federal News Radio reported Monday.

Jared Serbu writes Brig. Gen. Brian Dravis, director of the Joint Service Provider, said that savings from the consolidation of ad-hoc IT organizations within the building paid for the Wi-Fi project.

The department also updated its headquarters’ key IT assets as part of a physical plant modernization push known as “PenRen” which covers thousands of miles worth of cabling and consolidated data centers, Serbu reports.

The report said JSP will soon be integrated into DISA and be responsible for various Pentagon IT functions such as the management of nearly 500 IT contracts and about $1 billion worth of IT infrastructure.

Dravis told the station that JSP aims automate and virtualize the building’s IT infrastructure.