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Sen. John McCain: House, Senate Could Soon Finalize 2017 NDAA

1 min read

John McCain
John McCain

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Arizona) has said lawmakers in both chambers of Congress could wrap up the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act “very soon,” Defense News reported Wednesday.

Joe Gould writes McCain met with committee ranking member Jack Reed (D-Rhode Island) and stated that policy provisions and defense funding levels remain the key points of negotiation over the annual bill.

House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) said the 2017 NDAA will not be finalized until December after the Thanksgiving recess, Gould reported.

Thornberry added the Congress should avoid a long-term continuing resolution since the new administration can request for supplemental defense funds if needed, the report stated.

McCain, Thornberry, Reed and Sen. Adam Smith (D-Washington) are working to reconcile House and Senate versions of the NDAA that include different approaches to the emergency Overseas Contingency Operations account.