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Reuters: ODNI Does Not Support CIA Assessment of Russia’s Election-Related Cyber Attacks

1 min read

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence does not entirely support CIA‘s assessment that Russia launched cyber attacks to help Donald Trump win the 2016 presidential elections due to lack of conclusive evidence, Reuters reported Tuesday.

According to the report by Mark Hosenball and Jonathan Landay, ODNI has yet to fully endorse the CIA’s claim that Russia intended to help Trump defeat his Democratic Party opponent Hillary Clinton.

CIA officials told senators in a closed-door briefing that individuals linked to the Russian government submitted to WikiLeaks stolen emails from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign chief.

The FBI also did not entirely accept the CIA’s intelligence analysis over the same reason, the report stated.

The CIA concluded that Russia sought to support Trump based on the fact that Russian actors hacked Democrats and Republicans but only the former’s information was leaked, according to Reuters.