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DoD Secretary Nominee James Mattis to Attend Senate Confirmation Hearing, Cancels Appearance Before House Panel

1 min read

James Mattis

James Mattis, a retired U.S. Marine Corps general, will appear Thursday before a Senate panel hearing for his confirmation as secretary of the Defense Department but called off his attendance to a House Armed Services Committee hearing scheduled on the same day, Military Times reported Wednesday.

Leo Shane III writes the appointment of Mattis, who retired as head of the U.S. Central Command in 2013, would require both chambers of Congress to approve legislation that would waive a federal law that requires a veteran to wait seven years after retirement from active duty prior to taking the top civilian post at DoD.

Alleigh Marre, a spokeswoman for President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team, said Mattis is “following the constitutional process for confirmation by the U.S. Senate.”

House Minority Leader Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Maryland) said Democrats in his panel may object to the waiver if Mattis fails to attend the hearing and testify, Shane reports.

The Senate Armed Services Committee held a hearing Tuesday on the waiver and expects to vote on the measure by Thursday.

HASC members expect to hold a debate on the waiver Thursday, the report added.