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White House Releases Second Quadrennial Report on US Electricity System

1 min read

The Obama administration has published the second installment of the Quadrennial Energy Review that offers 76 recommendations to modernize and transform U.S. electricity infrastructure.

The Energy Department said Friday the QER 1.2 report titled “Transforming the Nation’s Electricity System” analyzes electricity generation, transmission, distribution and consumer end uses.

The report calls for the federal government to treat the electricity system as a national security asset; boost economic value and consumer equity; and build a clean and flexible electricity system, according to a White House press release published Monday.

QER 1.2 also includes recommendations to support the electricity sector’s reliability, security and resilience; establish a workforce that can build and operate a modernized grid infrastructure; and foster electricity integration across North America.

The new report builds on the first QER titled “Energy Transmission, Storage, and Distribution Infrastructure,” which was released in April 2015 and focused on infrastructures that transmit, store and distribute energy.

DOE and its partners have implemented 29 out of 63 recommendations in QER 1.1 while 21 are currently underway, the White House noted.

Congress has worked to incorporate 21 legislative recommendations in federal law.

DOE plans to collaborate with Congress and other agencies to implement recommendations from the second report.

A presidential memorandum initiated QER on Jan. 9, 2014.