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State Dept’s Michele Markoff: UN Group Should Encourage Member States to Adopt Existing Cyber Rules

1 min read

Michele Markoff, deputy coordinator for cyber issues at the State Department, has said a United Nations group of cybersecurity experts should focus on how to encourage member states to implement existing cyber rules instead of developing new norms, Defense One reported Tuesday.

Joseph Marks writes Markoff is one of the delegates scheduled to attend the third meeting of the Group of Governmental Experts this month in Geneva.

“We don’t need a continual norms machine ramping out a lot of norms,” Markoff said Monday at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

“What we need to do is consolidate what we’ve done and get states to implement both in the internalization of the norms but also in the operationalization of [confidence-building measures] which will help the norms,” she added.

Confidence-building practices include efforts among countries to share information on national cyber strategies and transnational cyber threats, Marks reports.

GGE, which is set to hold its final meeting in June, consists of diplomats from 25 countries that include China and Russia and works as an advisory panel on international cyber issues, the report added.