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Kevin Youel Page: GSA Plans to Make Transactional Data Reporting Pilot Voluntary

1 min read

The General Services Administration has begun to consider whether to lift a mandate that requires commercial vendors to participate in a three-year pilot program for transactional data reporting process, Nextgov reported Thursday.

“We’re getting very close to getting to the decision to remove that requirement,” Kevin Youel Page, deputy commissioner of GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service, said at an AFFIRM-hosted event Thursday.

“We think we’ve got such good voluntary participation, we would like to keep the pilot voluntary,” Page added.

Frank Konkel writes the TDR pilot is part of the agency’s category management initiative and requires contractors to provide GSA sales data about their goods and services sold via the Multiple Award Schedules program.

GSA launched the pilot in compliance with a final rule on the TDR process the agency released in June 2016 that seeks to eliminate commercial sales practices disclosure and price reduction clause requirements for contractors.