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Army’s Universal Mission Simulator Helps Train UAS Flight Crews

2 mins read

The U.S. Army uses a full-simulation platform to augment live flight training for unmanned aircraft system crews and help reduce costs and risks at the service branch’s aviation and missile research, development and engineering center.

The Universal Mission Simulator is designed to train flight crews on how to operate Gray Eagle and Shadow functions such as launch, preflight, taxi, flight route, target area exploitation, airfield returns, post flight and weapons employment, the Army said Thursday.

“The Joint Technology Center and Systems Integration Lab, commonly referred to as JSIL, sustains all UMS systems to keep software current with the Gray Eagle and Shadow tactical systems configurations,” said Will Bishop, UAS crew training simulation systems branch chief.

Jim Jones, technical chief at the JSIL, noted the lab has used the government-funded Multiple Unified Simulation Environment software suite to provide training systems for the UAS project management office.

Jones added that MUSE offers intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance simulation capacity for combatant commanders who participate in command and staff training exercises such as the Auster Challenge, Pacific Sentry, Talisman Sabre, Ulchi Freedom Guardian and Yama Sakura.

The Army has implemented 84 UMS systems, including four used for Shadow UAS training, as of April.

The service branch plans to implement a total of 99 UMS unit by fiscal year 2019 to support drone operator training.