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DoD Requests $20.7B & ODNI Seeks $57.7B to Fund Intelligence Programs in FY 2018

1 min read

The Defense Department and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence have separately submitted proposed budget appropriations for their respective intelligence programs in fiscal year 2018.

DoD said Monday it seeks a top-line 2018 budget of $20.7 billion, including both base and overseas contingency operations spending, for the Military Intelligence Program.

ODNI’s request calls for $57.7 billion to fund the National Intelligence Program in the next fiscal year, the agency also noted Monday.

Their combined prospective budget would amount to $78.4 billion to support the U.S. intelligence community’s programs in fiscal 2018, which begins October.

DoD and ODNI have recently submitted updated budget requests of $18.5 billion and $54.9 billion, respectively, to fund MIP and NIP through the end of fiscal year 2017.