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OMB: DATA Act Could Help White House Increase Govt Accountability

1 min read

The Office of Management and Budget has said the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 could help the Trump administration streamline processes and increase accountability in the federal government, Nextgov reported Wednesday.

In an Aug. 10 report to Congress, OMB discussed the results of the procurement and grant pilots that sought to identify burdensome financial reporting requirements for contract award recipients and determine common reporting elements.

OMB asked the General Services Administration and the Department of Health and Human Services to respectively oversee the pilot program’s procurement and grants portions.

Based on the results of the two pilots, OMB recommended the data elements, attributes and related conditions should be standardized to advance opportunities to streamline reporting and that the federal government should leverage information technology tools to facilitate auto-population of reporting fields to reduce reporting burdens for award recipients.

The two pilots have demonstrated that government can reduce reporting burdens for federal awardees through the adoption of open IT standards, reused data and central open repository for collected data, OMB added.

OMB said the grants pilot has ended, while the procurements pilot will continue data collection efforts through February 2018.