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House Introduces Another Stopgap Bill to Fund Govt Through Feb. 16

1 min read

House lawmakers have proposed another continuing resolution in an effort to avert a government shutdown and fund federal agencies through Feb. 16 as the current CR approaches the Friday deadline, GovExec reported Wednesday.

The report said the stopgap bill would be the fourth short-term funding measure that Congress intends to pass for fiscal 2018.

The four-week CR would propose additional funds for the Defense Department’s missile defense programs and other efforts, delay certain taxes under the Affordable Care Act and include a six-year extension of the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

Republican lawmakers said the new stopgap measure was needed to finalize deals over immigration issues and budget caps.

“My hope is that House and Senate leadership and the White House can reach consensus quickly on a budget agreement, so that essential appropriations work on all 12 government funding bills can be completed,” said House Appropriations Committee Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-New Jersey).