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Energy Department Launches Three-Part Competition to Boost Local Solar Industry

1 min read

The Energy Department has initiated a three-part competition that seeks to boost the production of solar systems in the U.S.

DOE said Thursday participants of the American-Made Solar Prize contest will be required to provide systems that can address critical challenges related to American solar innovation, develop a proof of concept and assess a prototype with a chosen partner.

The department will award $50,000 to selected participants that will present ideas addressing a critical need in the U.S solar industry, $200,000 for advanced proofs of concept and $500,000 for the development and assessment of prototypes.

“The Administration is fully committed to strengthening America’s manufacturing competitiveness,” said Energy Secretary Rick Perry.

Perry added the Solar Prize will leverage research resources, entrepreneurial support systems and competitive American innovation to develop solar innovations for private investment.

DOE will accept applications through Oct. 5, 2018.

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy will jointly facilitate the competition with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.