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Gen. David Berger: Marine Corps Looks to Modeling, Simulation Data for Future Force Structure

1 min read


Jeff Brody
David Berger

Gen. David Berger, commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, said analytics data from simulation and modeling events will help define the service branch’s future force construct, National Defense reported Thursday.

“We have right now I think [an] 80 to 85 percent picture of what the Marine Corps will need a decade out. But this last step [of using data gathered from modeling and simulation events] is so important because now is when we run that force against a peer threat 10 years out, over and over and over again to develop the analytical base,” Berger said Thursday in his speech at the Heritage Foundation think tank in Washington, D.C.

“I believe in analytics as a foundation,” he noted. “We’re at that stage now where we’re testing the force that we think we will need, and that will conclude in another month or two.”

Berger cited the service’s efforts to comply with the National Defense Strategy and the importance of experimentation and wargaming in shaping the future force construct.