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Christopher Krebs
Christopher Krebs

Christopher Krebs: Every Intell Service Expected to Aim at COVID-19 Research

1 min read

Christopher Krebs, director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and a 2020 Wash100 Award winner, said he expects “every intelligence service” to home in and steal COVID-19-related data and research, The Hill reported Wednesday.

“We do expect every intelligence service to be in the mix here,” Krebs said on an episode of CBS’ “Intelligence Matters” podcast posted Wednesday. "The Chinese have obviously been one of the more brazen in terms of their approach, but others are in the game, too.”

He also shared his insights on ransomware attacks and discussed the “destructive” nature of cyber attacks.

“You're seeing a situation where a hospital could be impacted and their network's offline, they can't conduct clinical operations,” Krebs said. “So we're absolutely seeing destructive attacks across the border right now.”