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Jessica Salmoiraghi
Jessica Salmoiraghi

GSA Advances MAS Consolidation Phase 2 Via Mass Modification; Jessica Salmoiraghi Quoted

1 min read

Approximately 85 percent of vendors have accepted the Mass Modification ahead of the July 31 deadline as part of the second phase of the General Services Administration’s (GSA) Multiple Award Schedules consolidation effort, FedScoop reported Monday.

Mass Mod seeks to align contract terms and conditions with GSA’s new single governmentwide vehicle, which consolidates 24 contract schedules to streamline the procurement process for agencies. GSA issued a solicitation for the consolidated schedule on Oct. 1, 2019.

Jessica Salmoiraghi, associate administrator of GSA’s office of governmentwide policy, said vendors failing to accept the Mass Mod will have their products removed from the e-Tools system. She also presented an example how the Mass Mod benefits an information technology company seeking to add to its offerings hospital air filters to help respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Since the IT contractor had already accepted the Mass Modification, they could easily add the product to their contract and deliver the product via prime-sub relationship,” Salmoiraghi said during a recent Professional Services Council (PSC) virtual conference. “Prior to the consolidation, the hospital air filter manufacturer would have had to go through the offer process for a different contract for air filters, so it’s really shortening that timeline.”

The MAS Consolidation effort’s final phase is scheduled for the second half of fiscal year 2020.