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Amy Haseltine
Amy Haseltine QSMO Director GSA

GSA Eyes NewPay Capabilities Deployment by Fall; Amy Haseltine Quoted

1 min read

The General Services Administration (GSA) plans to release by fall the NewPay program’s first set of capabilities, Federal News Network reported Monday.

Amy Haseltine, director of the quality service management office (QSMO) for civilian human resource transaction service and director of the NewPay management office at GSA, said the QSMO is in the process of completing a minimally viable product for NewPay.

“The MVP will help us actually calculate payroll in a consistent, complete and holistic manner. This calculation and this tool that we are designing covers 65 major pay plans across the federal space, which will actually help pay approximately 89% of our workforce,” Haseltine said during the Shared Services Summit. 

“We’ve actually used testing data to test 12 of the 65 pay plans. Of the 65 pay plans, we will be incorporating the Title V or general schedule population, so we are very excited about that.”

She said her office expects the data standards for payroll time and attendance to be available by the end of this month.

“Our next area of emphasis is on time and attendance. The NewPay team actually collaborated with one particular component within GSA as well as conducted our own customer survey asking what is most important to you?” Haseltine said.