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Rob Joyce
Rob Joyce Cybersecurity Director NSA

Rob Joyce: NSA-Industry Collaboration Could Help Intell Community Gain More Visibility Into Foreign Hackers

1 min read

Rob Joyce, cybersecurity director at the National Security Agency (NSA) and a previous Wash100 Award winner, said any proposal that seeks to help the intelligence community address visibility gaps into foreign hacking operations must combine the signals intelligence data that NSA collects with the information gathered by the private sector, CyberScoop reported Wednesday.

“That takes intelligence, that takes some collaboration, and it’s also really … vital that it can’t be just a government solution, and it can’t just be an industry solution, because we both have parts and pieces that we’re not going to see ourselves,” Joyce said.

He noted that he expects the U.S. government to function as a unit that prevents cyber breaches instead of operating as a crisis response entity for major cyber incidents.

“I don’t want the federal government to be known for outstanding incident responses — that’s important after there’s an intrusion we’ve got to be good at figuring out what went wrong and working backward,” Joyce said. “We need to be left of theft, we need to be in the job of preventing intrusions."

Joyce added that the NSA cybersecurity directorate needs to “work smarter” with available resources amid budget constraints.