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Gen. Mark Milley
Gen. Mark Milley Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff

Gen. Mark Milley: AI, Other Emerging Tech Needed to Deter Aggressors, Win Future Wars

1 min read

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a four-time Wash100 Award winner, said artificial intelligence, hypersonics, 3D printing, unmanned systems, long-range precision fires and other emerging technologies could transform the conduct of warfare and are needed to win future wars in the event of deterrence failure, DOD News reported Monday.

"Those technologies are available right now to every country in the world. There's nothing particularly secret about many of them. And I would argue that the country that masters those technologies … is likely to have a significant, and perhaps decisive advantage," Milley said at an event Monday.

He noted that power projection and sea control are key to maritime superiority.

"In my mind, no one has ever done it better than the United States Navy, in the history of the world. The same is true for air and space and cyber in our ground forces. In fact, our joint force is second to none,” Milley said.