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Heidi Shyu Creates Task Force on Strategic Options Within Defense Science Board

1 min read

Heidi Shyu, undersecretary for research and engineering at the Department of Defense and a 2023 Wash100 winner, has issued a memorandum announcing the establishment of a new task force within the Defense Science Board tasked with identifying operational and weapon system concepts as part of efforts to restore the U.S. armed forces’ operational dominance.

The task force on strategic options will operate as a subcommittee of DSB and will look at advanced undersea assets and operational concepts, new countermeasures for electronic warfare, new uses of space assets and cyber weapons employment, according to the memo publicly released Monday.

“Additional considerations should include the adversary’s use of countermeasures to undermine U.S. dominance in the air, space, sea and cyber domains,” the document reads.

The task force will conduct a study within 30 days of the initial appointment of members and will present its findings and recommendations to Shyu and to the board for deliberation.

Shyu said she will sponsor the task force, whose members will be given access to DOD officials and data for them to carry out their activities.