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USAF Seeks Info on Next Generation Reentry Vehicle for Sentinel ICBM

USAF Seeks Info on Next Generation Reentry Vehicle for Sentinel ICBM

1 min read

The U.S. Air Force has begun seeking industry input on its plans to award a contract for the development of a next-generation reentry vehicle for the service branch’s Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile weapon system.

A notice posted Wednesday on SAM.gov states that the Air Force is conducting market research to determine industry capabilities to support the NGRV effort and define the contract’s acquisition strategy.

The government plans to schedule one-on-one meetings in the second week of May at Hill Air Force Base in Utah to discuss the procurement effort with interested companies.

Sentinel, formerly the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent system, will serve as the ground-based leg of the U.S. nuclear triad, replacing the Minuteman III ICBM system.

The Air Force plans to award the NGRV contract in fiscal year 2026 and responses to the request for information are due April 19.