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President Biden Signs Executive Order on Community-Level Environmental Justice

President Biden Signs Executive Order on Community-Level Environmental Justice

1 min read

President Joe Biden signed an executive order that reinforces environmental justice initiatives, especially in tribal and overburdened communities.

The White House announced the EO on Friday, essentially creating the Office of Environmental Justice.

The presidential directive requires all executive branch agencies to embed environmental justice in their missions. This includes preventing and addressing uneven impacts of pollution and other climate-related factors on the health and ecosystems within communities.

Agencies are also directed to conduct tribal and other public consultations with regions that have environmental justice concerns. 

Under the EO, the Office of Science and Technology Policy’s National Science and Technology Council will have a new subcommittee that will oversee a coordinated strategy for identifying and resolving gaps in environmental justice research, data and science. The panel will work with government agencies to conduct cumulative impact assessments and ease public access to information about nature and health concerns.

In line with the signing of the EO, the Environmental Justice Scorecard was published by the Office of Management and Budget, White House Council on Environmental Quality, and U.S. Digital Service. The scorecard is based on recommendations from the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council, as well as sector experts, stakeholders and the public.