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Army CIO Leonel Garciga Focusing on Interim Software & Data Policies
Leonel Garciga

Army CIO Leonel Garciga Focusing on Interim Software & Data Policies

1 min read

Leonel Garciga, chief information officer of the U.S. Army, said he is prioritizing the development of interim policies for software, cybersecurity and data to help the service keep pace with technological advances in the private sector, Federal News Network reported Monday.

One of the first interim policies the military branch is working on prizes containers, which are used to package and deploy software.

“We’re going to focus on some things that are huge leaps, both from a security perspective and from the ability to build software out faster. Container guidance — that’ll be coming out soon,” Garciga said at a conference.

Garciga, who assumed the CIO post in late June, said his office plans to release new policy on the use of data on government systems.

“We need to remind folks that there are some rules around this, and we need to protect DoD data and we need to protect personal information too. We’re going to be putting some stuff out there,” Garciga noted.