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NIST Seeks Comments on Preliminary Update From IoT Federal Working Group

NIST Seeks Comments on Preliminary Update From IoT Federal Working Group

1 min read

The National Institute of Standards and Technology is requesting feedback on the preliminary update from the Internet of Things Federal Working Group that provides an overview of the proposed strategic pillars of the IoTFWG’s planned roadmap.

The working group said the adoption of IoT across industries will be defined by seven strategic pillars: trust, ease of implementation, connectivity, sustainability, workforce, data governance and adjacent technologies.

According to IoTFWG, the successful adoption of IoT devices will depend on gaining the trust and confidence of organizations that will implement and expand its use and widespread implementation will require reducing the cost of devices and improving the availability of IoT technology.

The roadmap will focus on enhancing IoT connectivity, creating a resilient and reliable supply chain, developing a trained and workforce, protecting IoT-derived data and improving IoT interoperability with other devices.

Comments on the preliminary update are due Sept. 25.