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DOE Earmarks $112M Over 3 Years for Biopreparedness Research Projects

DOE Earmarks $112M Over 3 Years for Biopreparedness Research Projects

1 min read

Ten research projects will receive a total of $112.4 million over three years as part of the Department of Energy’s Biopreparedness Research Virtual Environment initiative.

This year’s awardees are slated to concentrate their studies on pathogen and anti-pathogen materials, the combined use of X-ray and in-silico technology for biopreparedness, data-driven population health surveillance and neutron protein crystallography, DOE announced Thursday.

The projects will be led by DOE’s national laboratories, including Los Alamos, Pacific Northwest, Lawrence Berkeley, Brookhaven, Oak Ridge and SLAC National Acceleratory Laboratory. They will collaborate with other research institutions and universities, including minority serving institutions and historically black colleges.

“These advances will complement research efforts associated with other federal agencies and will be broadly applicable to understanding plant pathogens of crops that are central to DOE’s bioenergy program, as well as other biological systems,” said Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, director of the DOE’s Office of Science.