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House Approves Bill to Keep Government Funded Past Saturday
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House Approves Bill to Keep Government Funded Past Saturday

1 min read

The House of Representatives has passed a continuing resolution that aims to keep the U.S. government funded past 12:01 a.m. this coming Saturday through early 2024, the Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The CR features what has been described as “laddered” deadlines, providing funding for about 20 percent of the government — including military and veterans programs — through Jan. 19 and funding for the remaining 80 percent — including the Department of Defense — through Feb. 2.

The House approved the legislation under suspension of the rules to overcome opposition from some conservative Republican lawmakers who are calling for deep spending cuts.

Under the suspended rules, two-thirds of the House was required to pass the measure. The bill cleared the chamber via a 336-95 vote.

The CR will now be taken up by the Senate, with Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., saying the upper chamber would act on the legislation “as soon as possible.”