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NSF Partners With Government, Industry & Academia on AI Resource Sharing Project
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NSF Partners With Government, Industry & Academia on AI Resource Sharing Project

1 min read

The National Science Foundation convened a workshop on Nov. 7 to begin the process of designing a pilot program for the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource.

NAIRR envisions the establishment of infrastructure that will work to connect U.S. researchers to AI and other resources they need, with the ultimate aim of democratizing access to the technology and ensuring its trustworthiness, the NSF said Thursday.

The gathering — the first in a series — saw participation from representatives of the private sector, academia and federal agencies, in line with the requirements of Executive Order 14110, which called for the development of the NAIRR pilot.

NSF Director Sethuraman Panchanathan described the initial workshop as “a tremendous success,” adding, “NAIRR builds on a legacy of successful public-private partnerships that have driven American leadership in research and innovation. We are proud to continue to welcome new partners to the NAIRR community in the months to come.”

Successive meetings will aim to further gather input from the broader community regarding the design of the pilot.