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Watch: David Wajsgras Shares Intelsat Innovation Initiatives & Partnerships
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Watch: David Wajsgras Shares Intelsat Innovation Initiatives & Partnerships

3 mins read

New commercial space companies, technological innovations and intensifying competition are just a few of the factors fueling unprecedented growth in the space domain today. Executive Mosaic sat down with Intelsat CEO David Wajsgras in a new video interview to talk about Intelsat’s work at the forefront of the satellite communications industry and learn more about the trends influencing the market.

The seven-time Wash100 Award winner said the two major factors shaping space today are the explosion of new space companies and the “demand pull” on these companies from governments around the world for new capabilities. On the commercial side of this trend, Wajsgras is seeing higher demand for in-flight connectivity and WiFi communications in the aviation industry. And Wajsgras is harnessing opportunities on the government side too.

“Intelsat is now partnering with [low Earth orbit] providers — think new space, think commercial companies that traditionally haven’t participated in that industry. We are, from a combination standpoint, now offering what we call multi-orbit capabilities,” said Wajsgras.

“We are partnering with a company called OneWeb, which is now part of Eutelsat. We are partnering with other LEO providers to offer government capabilities around, primarily in the U.S., but now we’re starting to see a lot of interest from some of our closest allies around the world,” he added.

According to Wajsgras, Intelsat will soon field a multi-orbit antenna that would provide users with ubiquitous and highly secure communications anywhere in the world. This capability is also expected to be used for backhaul purposes, meaning that users would never lose connection regardless of their proximity to cell towers or terrestrial fiber.

Wajsgras recently announced that Intelsat is projected to reach $2.1 billion in revenue for 2023, and he said the company’s strategy centers around becoming a leading provider of secure end to end satellite-based network solutions for public and private sector customers.

Learn more about how Intelsat is driving satellite communications innovations across multiple industries — watch Dave Wajsgras’ video interview here. And join the Potomac Officers Club’s 2024 Space Summit on March 5 to meet, learn from and network with government and industry space experts and decision makers. Register here.