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AFRL to Establish New Center for AI/ML Research Collaboration
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AFRL to Establish New Center for AI/ML Research Collaboration

1 min read

The Air Force Research Laboratory Materials and Manufacturing Directorate has secured funding to establish a new center dedicated to facilitating collaboration on artificial intelligence and machine learning research and development.

The Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research Center Capability Project, or AIMR-2C, will be located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and provide 6,000 square feet of lab space to accommodate AFRL researchers and collaborators, the laboratory said Friday.

Eric Harper, a research materials engineer in the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate and technical lead of the AIMR-2C project, said the new center will allow AFRL and its partners to assist each other in creating new AI and ML models and apply them to multidisciplinary materials science problems.

“Research co-location with data visualization provides dedicated subject-matter expertise in AI/ML, data analysis, and visualization to assist researchers in accelerating the development of next-generation models, workflows, and visualization pipelines,” said Kurt Lamm, facility engineer at AFRL’s Materials and Manufacturing Directorate.

The $4 million AIMR-2C funding was awarded by the Office of Secretary of Defense Centralized Laboratory Investment Program.