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GSA Solicits Industry Feedback on Multiple Award Schedule Pricing Practices
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GSA Solicits Industry Feedback on Multiple Award Schedule Pricing Practices

1 min read

The General Services Administration has issued a request for information to solicit industry input on how to better align Multiple Award Schedule pricing with commercial practices.

The issuance of the RFI comes as GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service assesses existing agency practices related to performing price analysis and determining “fair and reasonable” prices on MAS contracts, the agency said Thursday.

The RFI focuses on two topics: offering identical items under multiple special item numbers, or SINs, within the MAS solicitation and offeror providing documentation to support fair and reasonable pricing determinations.

For the first topic, technical questions include the type of documentation that supports the award of identical items under different SINs and challenges that exist getting identical items added under more than one SIN.

For the second topic, GSA is asking stakeholders about a representative sample that reduces burden but supports a contracting officer with determining fair and reasonable prices and their concerns about implementing a MAS requirement for targeted samples.

Responses to the RFI are due May 8.