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Col. Matthew Strohmeyer: Having ‘Heterogenous Mix of Mission Applications’ is GIDE’s Goal for CJADC2
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Col. Matthew Strohmeyer: Having ‘Heterogenous Mix of Mission Applications’ is GIDE’s Goal for CJADC2

1 min read

Col. Matthew Strohmeyer, director of the Global Information Dominance Experiments at the Department of Defense’s Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office, said GIDE’s goal for the DOD’s Combined Joint-All Domain Command and Control is to create an evolving system of different analytics, interfaces and applications that would draw on the same data pool shared across service branches, Breaking Defense reported Wednesday.

Under GIDE, military officers and engineers are conducting a series of experiments to inform the DOD’s CJADC2 efforts.

GIDE’s goal “is not necessarily to create that one COP that can see essentially everything we have … one Common Operating Picture to rule them all,” Strohmeyer said at a webinar on Monday.

“We need to have a heterogeneous mix of mission applications to get after all the things that we are doing,” he added.

The colonel said he believes warfighters and other users at every echelon have the best knowledge of how they can carry out their mission.

Strohmeyer noted, “it’s our job to unlock that data and to give them the tools that might help them, [so] any warfighter can use whatever application they want.”