The House and Senate Armed Services Committees have released the final negotiated language of the fiscal year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act.
SASC said Saturday the FY 2025 NDAA is based on two bills the two congressional committees approved in June: the Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement Act for Fiscal Year 2025, which passed the House, and the FY 2025 NDAA passed by SASC.
Table of Contents
Discretionary Authorizations
The FY 2025 NDAA agreement would authorize $883.7 billion, including $849.9 billion for programs within the Department of Defense, $33.3 billion for national security programs within the Department of Energy and Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board and $512.4 million for defense-related activities.
Agreement on Army & Navy Programs
The NDAA agreement would direct the secretary of the Army to conduct a pilot program on the use of robotic targets to improve the lethality of the service branch’s reserve components and develop and implement a plan to procure and deploy additional kinetic effectors for the branch’s small unmanned aircraft integrated defeat system.
The negotiated annual defense policy bill would provide the secretary of the Navy with multiyear procurement authority for CH-53K aircraft and T408 engines.
The measure would also modify the annual report on cost targets for aircraft carriers to include additional cost data fidelity and subsequent Ford-class aircraft carriers.