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FCC Selects UL Solutions for IoT Cyber Labeling Program

FCC Selects UL Solutions for IoT Cyber Labeling Program

2 mins read

The Federal Communications Commission has selected UL Solutions to serve as the lead administrator and cybersecurity label administrator, or CLA, of its voluntary cyber labeling program for Internet of Things products.

As lead administrator, the Northbrook, Illinois-based privacy security company will develop and recommend IoT-specific standards and testing procedures for the program, the FCC said Wednesday, adding that the organization will also serve as a liaison between the commission and CLAs. The commission noted that UL Solutions was approved for the roles as it satisfied the program requirements.

FCC Marks on Qualified IoT Devices

According to the FCC’s Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, additional CLAs will be announced soon and they will be authorized to certify the use of IoT marks on products that comply with the commission’s cyber labeling program rules. The program will use labels, such as the U.S. Cyber Trust Mark, on qualified smart products, enabling consumers to make informed purchasing decisions.

The FCC program will also help consumers identify trustworthy products and encourage manufacturers to apply higher cybersecurity standards on the devices they release to the market. It will also function as a collaborative platform for the public and private sectors.

Public and Private Sector Partnership

While the commission intends to advance partnerships under the effort, it will retain oversight and control of the program while selected third-party administrators will be allowed to supervise activities, such as evaluating product applications, granting permission for label use and educating consumers.