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Treasury Releases Federal Spending Data Reporting Standards

1 min read

digital governmentThe Treasury Department has completed and released the final data format designed to standardize reporting of federal spending data in compliance with the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014, the Data Coalition reported Monday.

The department posted the DATA Act Information Model Schema v1.0 on its Federal Spending Transparency’s GitHub website Friday after it completed the schema’s initial version and published 57 data elements with the Office of Management and Budget in May 2015.

“From the very beginning, we wanted to mandate a government-wide format to transform federal spending from disconnected documents and siloed systems into standardized, open data,” said Hudson Hollister, executive director of the Data Coalition.

The schema includes information on reporting submission specification, information flow, interface definition document, DAIMS diagrams, XBRL schema files and online data dictionary as well as instructions on how to upload federal spending data files.

Federal agencies should adopt and comply with the schema and data elements by May 2017, according to the Data Coalition.