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Trump Orders Federal Agencies to Implement Regulatory Reform Initiatives

2 mins read

President Donald Trump has ordered federal agencies to launch initiatives that will work to reduce the regulatory burden on citizens and to appoint a regulatory reform officer within 60 days of the executive order’s release.

The White House said Friday that RROs will oversee agencies’ efforts to implement regulatory reform initiatives and policies such as Executive Order 13771, Executive Order 12866 and section 6 of Executive Order 13563.

The designated RROs will also report to agency heads and consult with agency leadership regularly.

Trump also instructed each agency to form a Regulatory Reform Task Force that will consist of the RRO; the regulatory policy officer; a representative from the agency’s central policy office or equivalent central office; and at least three senior officials for agencies listed in section 901(b)(1) of title 31 of the United States Code.

Each task force will assess existing regulations and make recommendations on the repeal, replacement or modification of such regulations as well as seek input and assistance from non-federal agencies, small businesses, consumers, trade associations and businesses.

The White House added the groups will also work to determine regulations that eliminate jobs or hinder job creation; are outdated, unnecessary or ineffective; impose costs that exceed benefits; interfere with regulatory reform initiatives; and do not meet section 515 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act of 2001.

The director of the Office of Management and Budget can waive compliance with the order if OMB determines that an agency issues “very few or no regulations,” according to the EO.

The OMB director will publish a list of agencies with waivers at least once every three months.