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DOE Eyes 2021 Deployment for Natl Lab Exascale Computer

1 min read

The Energy Department aims to deploy the first exascale computer at a national laboratory by 2021 and eventually promote the system to other labs, agencies and industry, Federal News Radio reported Monday.

DOE awarded $258 million in contracts to Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IBM, Intel, Advanced Micro Devices, Cray and Nvidia in June to help address challenges that prevent the development of exascale computers.

“The goal of the Path Forward program is for the six companies who got contracts to develop technologies that are likely to lead to exascale computers that will be installed at DoE national laboratories as well as other sites,” Paul Messina, senior strategic adviser and director of the exascale computer project at DOE’s Argonne National Laboratory, told the station.

Messina added the contractors will aim to build software and applications in areas such as power consumption, parallelism and memory technology.