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House Panel OKs Bill to Reauthorize FISA Section 702 Surveillance Authority

1 min read

The House Intelligence Committee on Friday approved a bill that would reauthorize for four years a provision in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that permits the collection of intelligence data on foreigners who live outside the U.S., the Washington Examiner reported Friday.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-California), chairman of the House panel, introduced Wednesday the FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act of 2017 as the Section 702 surveillance provision approaches expiration on Dec. 31.

The Washington Post reported the measure would direct government agencies to secure a court order before they can access a National Security Agency-run database to view communications that came from or sent to U.S. citizens and were gathered through Section 702.

The report noted that lawmakers are expected to add the measure on the surveillance authority’s reauthorization to a budget package for fiscal 2018 that Congress needs to pass by Dec. 8 to avoid a government shutdown.