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Richard Spencer: Navy Eyes Option for Over 10 Virginia-Class Submarines Under Multiyear Contract

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Richard Spencer

Navy Secretary Richard Spencer has said the service is in talks with industry over an option that would allow the purchase of at least 10 Block V Virginia-class submarines through a multiyear procurement contract, Inside Defense reported Wednesday.

Spencer, a 2018 Wash100 recipient, told House Armed Services Committee members Tuesday that such an option depends on the availability of resources.

Hondo Geurts, Navy acquisition executive, said the military branch has already received a proposal from General Dynamics’ Electric Boat subsidiary and that it has the capacity to pursue three submarines annually in future fiscal years.

“As we negotiate this upcoming multiyear, we will look at putting the options in for submarines,” Geurts told lawmakers.

General Dynamics announced in January that it would invest up to $2 billion into its shipyards to meet the Navy’s shipbuilding requirements.