The Department of Energy will invest $20.1 million in 58 cost-shared technology development projects that tackle various topics in the areas of manufacturing, fuel and power. DOE said Thursday it will provide this financial support from the Technology Commercialization Fund managed by the department's Office of Technology Transitions.
TCF provides a total of over $33 million for cost-shared projects that will also receive over $36 million from the commercial sector. One of the projects aims to develop a simulation tool for alloy design activities. Another project will tackle the use of biographite in commercial lithium-ion batteries.
The department's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy approved funds for the 58 projects partnered with the following national laboratories:
- Ames Laboratory
- Argonne National Laboratory
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Idaho National Laboratory
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- National Energy Technology Laboratory
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Sandia National Laboratories