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Sean Connelly
Sean Connelly

Sean Connelly on Microsegmentation, Zero-Trust Architecture

1 min read

Sean Connelly, Trusted Internet Connections program manager at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), said the TIC 3.0 guidance for network security encourages agencies to segment networks into “trust zones” as part of zero-trust architecture, FedScoop reported Wednesday.

“We are starting to talk to a number of agencies to look at microsegmentation architectures. It’s one step toward that modernization of their environment,” Connelly said Wednesday at IBM’s Think Gov digital event. “We look at it as a way for them to secure their traffic across the enterprise, as opposed to focusing on the traditional network perimeter.”

He called on agencies to allow zero-trust architecture to coexist with conventional strategies for network security as they continue to deal with on-premise data centers, multicloud or hybrid networks.

“Right now zero trust is not a complete architecture, where a lot of agencies are in a position to adopt zero trust across the entire enterprise,” Connelly said.