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Airmen Propose VR Tech for B-52 Bomber Training

1 min read

Airmen are exploring the use of virtual reality to train for B-52 Stratofortress aircrew operations. The U.S. Air Force said Tuesday it demonstrated the Virtual Reality Procedures Trainer proposed by Air Force Global Strike Command's Maj. Mark Budgeon, 11th Bomb Squadron Chief Pilot and Chief of Innovations Maj. Justin Stephenson and Maj. Brandon Wolf of the 307th Operations Support Squadron.

The demonstration took place at StrikeWerx in Louisiana with support from VR training company King Crow Studios. The company helped USAF develop and demonstrate the VR Procedures Trainer that works to educate and assess B-52 trainees.

“It would be accessible to them all the time, so they can take it home and practice,” Wolf said.

Accessed via VR goggles, the system generates a 360-degree simulation of the bomber aircraft's cockpit. King Crow Studios will work to complete a VRPT prototype within the year.