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Katy Kale
Katy Kale Acting Administrator GSA

GSA Fosters Discussion for Federal Fleet Electrification; Katy Kale Quoted

1 min read

The General Services Administration (GSA) held a virtual event to foster discussion on the federal fleet of service vehicles, with topics that tackle the fleet's electrification.

The FedFleet 2021 event ran from June 7th to 10th with the participation of over 2.200 professionals in the areas of automotive and fleet management, GSA said Thursday.

GSA is working to electrify its fleet, which currently consists of 600,000 non-tactical vehicles in total. The agency has so far implemented 455 charging stations at U.S. federal buildings, as the fleet's electric vehicle infrastructure continues to develop.

Katy Kale, acting GSA administrator and a 2021 Wash100 Award winner, delivered the event's closing remarks.

“GSA is embracing this opportunity to do our part to help make America the global leader in electric vehicle fleet production and adoption,” said Kale. “And we are keeping equity at the center of our work. We want everyone to have access to the benefits and opportunities that come with electrifying the federal fleet including good-paying jobs, improved air quality, and better quality of life.”