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Brillient to Deliver Digitalization Solutions for IRS EDCMO; Ed Burrows, Richard Jacik Quoted

2 mins read

Brillient Corporation announced on Tuesday that the company has received a new contract to deliver digitalization solutions to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Enterprise Digitalization and Case Management Office (EDCMO) for the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Solution Challenge. 

"The IRS EDCMO is at the forefront of digital transformation in the federal government. Brillient is delighted to provide a solution that uses the best technology available to extract machine-readable data from low resolution, poor quality digital images and make them compliant with IRS systems," said Ed Burrows, vice president of Intelligent Solutions. 

Brillient will provide a range of full-spectrum digital transformation solutions to assist the IRS in extracting machine-readable data from existing low-resolution digital images. The company will also deploy its AI-enabled intelligent data capture solutions to integrate digital source data into analytics-ready repositories for the Pilot IRS Solution Challenge

"Our solutions engineering approach is designed to identify quantifiable returns for advanced technology solutions. Our solution for IRS is built on years of experience transforming and automating federal processes with emergent technologies. We're pleased to expand our support of Treasury with this important initiative,” Richard Jacik, Brillient's Chief Digital Officer added. 

About Brillient

Brillient is an award-winning Full-Spectrum Digital Transformation company enabling clients to transform through the continuum of analog, to digital, to analytics leading to insight-driven decision making and mission execution. We help clients achieve better efficiencies and lower costs in their digital government and IT modernization initiatives enabling friction-free interaction with citizens and business.