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Chris Cummiskey

1 min read

chrisheadshotChris Cummiskey is chief of staff for management at the Department of Homeland Security. In that capacity, he counsels and provides leadership on issues related to homeland security initiatives, operations, and programs to the under secretary for management within the DHS. Cummiskey also represents the under secretary on management policies and long- and short-term programs that have a DHS-wide, national, and international impact.

Before joining DHS, Cummiskey served as chief information officer for the state of Arizona. He chaired several key executive initiatives, including the Governor’s Council on 2-1-1, the Governor’s IT Security Advisory Committee, the Arizona Steering Committee on Education Data, and the State’s Information Technology Authorization Committee. In addition to serving as a member of the Governor’s Cabinet, Cummiskey also served on the Governor’s Homeland Security and Children’s Sub Cabinet groups.

Cummiskey was elected to the Arizona State Legislature at age 26 and served in the House and Senate from 1991 through 2002. During his tenure in the Senate, Cummiskey held various leadership posts, including assistant floor leader.

Cummiskey holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from Arizona State University.